Arhive etichetă: sosuri

Ca uns: hreanul ardelenesc / Transylvanian horseradish

(for English version scroll down the page)
Ca-i ardelenesc(ca nu-i), cam asta zice Maestrul si nu pot decit sa-i respect si sa-i cinstesc slova. Stia Domnia Sa de ce zicea ce zicea! 
Fost-am zilele trecute la Oradea si, ca de obidei, unul dintre drumurile facute a fost si-n piata de alimente din Decebal. De ce acolo? Uite-asa, pentru ca acolo vin citeva unguroaice cu niste muraturi absolut fabuloase. Tot acolo am gasit si niste radacini de hrean care ar fi facut de rusine orice radacinoasa mai de soi. Faine, mari, sanatoase, albe de grase, cu un miros pregnant, basca ca mai erau si curatate de coaja si, fie vorba-ntre noi, cui mama saraciei ii place sa le curete ca mie una nu!?
Deci, cumparat, adus acasa, ras si pregatit in stil si ardelenesc si oltenesc, ca tot sunt la capitolul incercari culinare! Si amindoua gatelile m-au pus pe ginduri de bune ce-au fost astfel ca, automat le-am (s)trecu(ra)t in indexul favoritelor.
Dar, pentru ca tot is ardeleanca chiar daca radacinile stramosesti merg prin multe alte directii geografice, am dat intiietate hreanului ardelenesc astfel ca el fu primul din seria de sosuri care va apare in casa cea noua a Oalei lumii. Nu zic c-ar fi vreun bai mai ales ca cinstea s-a facut si cu vo’ doua perechi de virsli alaturea! Credeti-ma c-au mers ca unse toate dimpreuna ! 
C-o fi fost vreodata un reper gastronomic in atit de uitata si hulita bucatarie ardeleneasca(dar atit de influentata de cei care i-au calcat strachinile si pragul) si asta se poate insa, un vinulet de pe Tirnave ca sa ostoiasca iuteala a venit sa incununeze la propriu una dintre minunile grase, mari, faine si iuti care pot sta la loc de cinste in capul mesii !

Dar, vorba lunga-i saracia omului, asa ca:

3-4 l-ri hrean ras, aproape pasta
200 gr smintina groasa, grasa
1 l-ra otet
1 l-ra de miere(nu prea aromata)
1 l-ta de sare(sau dupa gust)
Hreanul se amesteca cu smintina apoi cu restul. Se serveste imediat altfel isi pierde zvicul pe care-l simti pina-n strafunduri….

Regardless of the fact that it is Transylvanian or not, this dish is to die for. I can only quote Maestro, as I praise his teachings in the art of cooking.

The other day, I went to ORADEA (an old and beautiful Transylvanian city right at the border between Romania and Hungary) and as usual, I paid a visit to the local Farmer’s Market. Why? Because always there are some Hungarian women bringing home made pickled vegetables you cannot get anywhere else! This time I also found horseradish roots: big, healthy, white fatty looking and already peeled! Who likes to peel the roots anymore?Once I got back home, I started working on two different types of recipes (one from the Western part of Romania – Transylvania – and one from the Southern part of the country – Oltenia). And because I am a “Westerner” – even some of my roots are from other geographical areas of the country – I gave priority to the “Transylvanian horseradish dip” as the first dip/gravy shown in the new Edition of  “Oala Lumii” ( World’s Pot).

Of course I had a pair of “Virsli” (sheep or goat meat sausages specific to Western Romania) close by so I could get the “whole nine yards” of such inviting and teasing endeavor. And believe me: the combination between the dip and “Virsli” went together fantastically!

I am not sure if this dish was ever a gastronomic landmark in Transylvanian Cuisine (which is so influenced by its ethnic diversity), but the dip and sausages (Virsli) accompanied by a local excellent Tirnave wine ended up in giving the horseradish a well deserved front seat at the dinner table.

But enough of talking and let’s get down to business:


Transylvanian horseradish

3-4 tbs grated horseradish, almost paste
200 gr thick and fatty sour cream 
1 tbs vinegar 
1 tbs honey (not too flavorful)
1 tsp salt (or to taste)
Horseradish is mixed with cream then all is mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Serve immediately, or it loses the sharpness that you feel down the throat all the way to the depths of your stomach….
You can serve this sauce with foreshank, steak, sausages, frankfurters, schnitzels and so on…
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