About / Despre


 (for English version scroll down the page)

Nu am pretentia a ma considera un Chef in ale gatitului (in adevaratul sens al cuvintului). Ador sa gatesc ca la mama acasa sau, mai bine zis, ca la bunica acasa . Nu stiu sa gatesc semipreparate cum nu stiu sa pregatesc mincaruri elaborate si sofisticate care sa ma faca sclavul oalelor pret de ore.

Nu am pretentia a ma considera un bun vorbitor de limba engleza si, de aceea nici nu fac din aspectul asta un scop in sine la Oala lumii. Bucuria de-a imparti ceva bun cu toti prietenii pe care-i am in jurul lumii fac ca engleza in care materialul este scris sa fie una pe/de inteles pentru majoritatea. La urma urmei, daca incepem sa numaram din cite foi e facuta placinta, n-o mai mincam…

Ca urmare, pentru ca-mi place ca treaba sa fie serioasa, am apelat si la serviciile de traducator ale fratelui meu, cap de matematician cu gusturi gurmande de necontestat.

Si, pentru ca nimic nu e intimplator in viata mea, leg tot ceea ce pun aici de cite-un eveniment care a insemnat ceva pentru mine. Poate ca a fost ceva de suflet. Poate ca nu. Va las pe voi, cititorii, sa va dati cu parerea.


I don’t claim to consider myself a Chef in the art of cooking (just per say). I love to cook the way my mom does or rather the way my grandmother did. I don’t know how to prepare precooked food as I don’t know how to prepare elaborate and sophisticated dishes that would probably make me the slave of the pots for hours.

I don’t claim to consider myself a good English speaker, therefore I don’t make from it an end in itself, here, at World’s pot. The joy to share something good with all the friends around the world, makes the English translation of these materials meant to be understandable by most. After all, if we start counting the numbers of the sheets the pie is made out of, we no longer eat it…

And to make sure we are doing a good job, I asked my brother to help me out with the translation. He definitely knows a thing or two about cooking and if I remember exactly, he never lost his appetite and has a “nose” for good foods.

Because everything happens for a reason in my life, all the recipes I put here are ‘linked’ to an event that meant something to me. Maybe it is something for my soul, maybe not. Maybe it was just meant to be shared with others. I let you readers, have your own opinion.

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